Secondary Sources

Congressional Testimony

Major legislation affecting the veterans benefits system is usually preceded by hearings in either or both of the congressional veterans affairs committees.

Law Review Articles

In the two decades since judicial review was enacted, relatively few scholarly articles have been written in the area of veterans law, and most are by law students or practitioners rather than law professors. For a list, click here.


It would be difficult to list all the books on veterans benefits. For a list of a few selected books on the system and the history of veterans benefits, click here.

The Independent Budget

Each February, when the Administration releases its proposed budget, several major veterans organizations -- AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States -- release a very detailed proposed budget for VA called "The Independent Budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs." These organizations have also released "Critical Issues" reports a few months in advance. These documents cover the entire spectrum of VA issues, and usually include significant commentary and proposals related to the VA adjudication process.

CAVC Judicial Conferences

Every second or third year, the CAVC holds a judicial conference where court staff, VA personnel, and veterans law practitioners meet to discuss current issues and learn more about the claims processing system. The transcripts of the these conferences are excellent sources of detailed information about how various parts of the system work and about the concerns of the system's stakeholders.

CAVC Annual Reports

By law, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims must prepare a report covering each fiscal year. The reports contain detailed statistical information about the workload and output of the court. Copies of the reports are available here.

BVA Chairman's Annual Reports

By law, the Chairman of the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA) must prepare a report covering each fiscal year. Aside from the Chairman's narrative comments about the state of the VA system, the reports contain detailed statistical information about the workload of the VA adjudication system. Copies of the reports are available here.